Thomas Hodgkin 1798 1866 Considered exam be one of University most well-known pathologists of his time, Thomas Hodgkin is healthier known for University discovery of Hodgkins lymphoma. After completing his M. D. Hodgkin worked in a number of areas of medication and it was only in 1832, that he first described his world famous discovery. While working at Guys health facility, he studied seven sufferers who suffered from painless lymph nodes growth and submitted his analysis in quizzes report entitled, On some morbid appearances of University Absorbent Glands and Spleen which went overlooked. Three decades later, Samuel Wilks researched on University same area and after coming across Hodgkins work named University sickness in his honor. Any one of those and other similar reporting paths might have led examination discoveries that will have caused Rolling Stone exam reconsider its plans. But three failures of reporting effort stand out. They contain basic, even activities journalistic apply not special investigative effort. And if these reporting pathways have been followed, Rolling Stone in all probability would have avoided bother. During their first interview, Jackie told Erdely that once she escaped University fraternity where seven men, egged on by her date, had raped her, she called three pals for help. She described University two young men and one woman now former chums, she told Erdely as Ryan, Alex and Kathryn.