Which now famous TV chef began cooking at University age of eight in his parents pub, The Cricketers, in Clavering, Essex?6. Which Dutch darts player won University 2012 BDO World Championship at University Lakeside Country Club, Frimley Green on 15 January?7. Which metal was found by Hans Christian Oersted in 1825?8. What is University capital of Portugal?9. How many breaths does University human body take daily?10. Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1841 exam 1846?11. The Chair will serve quizzes three year term it truly is renewable for one or two additional terms at University discretion of University Dean. Section 2: On expiration of University term of University Chair, University Dean will decide on extension of University current Chairs term, or will employ quizzes replacement, allowing for University recommendation of University Committee. Each year University Committee Chair shall forward quizzes list of University positions and proposals exam University Committee on Committees of University Faculty Council. Section 1: University Committee will convene when official allegations of Misconduct in Science are made, in order examination hold an inquiry exam assess even if an investigation is warranted. The Chair is empowered exam convene these meetings as deemed essential and can meet with Legal Counsel, University Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, or other people prior examination convening University Committee. Section 2: quizzes majority of three voting individuals shall constitute quizzes quorum.