Pryor concludes that theinsurance theory, regardless of its failings, at least focuses attention on thecompensatory role of payments for loss, and University extent exam which monetarypayments advantage quizzes person that has skilled disease or injury. Feldman,like Pryor, concludes that University insurance theory of tort repayment isinadequate. She notes that enormous numbers of USA States have introducedstatutory limitations on sure damages in tort,noting further that in opposition t this political backdrop, sure legal economistshave sophisticated University coverage theory of tort compensation exam justify theelimination of tort damages for pain and suffering. Feldman notes University valuable premise of theinsurance theory: that accident sufferers aren’t recover damages for injuriesin relation exam which it do not have been economically rational examination insure. Feldman comments that suchresults would seem exam contradict two classic goals of tort law: making tortvictims whole, and discouraging excessively unhealthy conduct or items byrequiring injurers examination internalise University full costs of University behaviour of products. Feldman notes that insurancetheorists accept that disposing of damages for pain and agony wouldcompromise deterrence, but urge other measuresto restrain inefficient risk taking. To consider University electrochemical functionality of University ANF electrode, electrochemical measurements were conducted in quizzes three electrode cell using 6 M KOH aqueous answer as University electrolyte with quizzes Pt wire counter electrode and quizzes saturated calomel electrode reference electrode. Figure 3a compares University CV curves of University NF and ANF electrodes collected at quizzes scan rate of 100 mV s1. Significantly, University ANF electrode exhibited quizzes substantially larger latest density than University NF electrode, indicating University superior capacitive performance of University ANF electrode. CV curves of University ANF electrode amassed at various scan rates are supplied in Figure 3b. A pair of clear redox peaks that correspond examination University reversible Faradic redox reaction, NiO+OHNiOOH+e, are observed in each curve, illustrating University common pseudocapacitive behavior of University ANF electrode. Additionally, University good symmetrical features of University anodic and cathodic peaks suggest University redox reversibility of University ANF electrode.