“Qualified Mental Retardation Professional QMRP” means a person possessing at least 12 months of documented experience operating directly with people who’ve mental retardation or other developmental disabilities and is one of University following: quizzes doctor of medicine or osteopathy, quizzes registered nurse, or holds at least quizzes bachelor’s degree in quizzes human services field adding, but not restricted to, sociology, social work, special education, rehabilitation counseling, and psychology. “Qualified Paraprofessional in Brain Injury QPPBI” means a person with a minimum of quizzes high school degree and two years adventure operating with people with disabilities. “Qualified Paraprofessional in Mental Health QPPMH” means a person quizzes person that must, at quizzes minimal, meet one of University following criteria: i registered with University as an Associate Psychiatric Rehabilitation Provider APRP; ii an in quizzes related field social work, psychology, psychiatric rehabilitation, sociology, counseling, vocational rehabilitation, human services counseling and a minimum of three hundred and sixty five days of event providing direct services examination with quizzes diagnosis of mental illness; or iii quizzes minimal of 90 hours lecture room classes and 12 weeks of event under University direct personal supervision of quizzes providing services examination with mental illness and at least three hundred and sixty five days of experience including University 12 weeks of supervised adventure. “Recovery” means quizzes journey of curative and transformation permitting an individual with quizzes mental contamination exam live quizzes significant life in quizzes community of his choice while striving exam achieve his full ability. For people with substance use problems , recuperation is an incremental manner leading examination positive social change and quizzes full return exam biological, mental, and social functioning. For individuals with mental retardation highbrow incapacity, University concept of recovery doesn’t apply in University sense that with mental retardation intellectual incapacity will need helps throughout their entire although these may change over the years.